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“I don’t think she’d be thrilled to know her dad and her best friend are on a date, do you?”
It was like the words were not her own, as though a different woman had slid into her skin and was moving her lips for her. She gulped down the water, refreshing and cold.
Adam laughed. “This is a date, then?”
“You certainly seemed eager,” Katy said, placing her water bottle on the table. She wasn’t sure if she did it on purpose, but it hardly mattered. When she placed the bottle down, her fingers touched his, brushed them for a moment. She had heard sparks used to describe human interaction, but she had only felt it once before. That was the first time she had Freddy, at a club, and she had accidently bumped into him. He had, as though it was the most natural thing in the world, reached forward and brushed hair from her eyes.
But she felt them now, as her hand brushed the hand of this older man.
His smile grew wider. They had studied The Great Gatsby in literature class last year. She remembered Scott Fitzgerald’s description of Gatsby’s smile as Adam smiled at her. He had one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, she thought, and was sure it could be applied to both Gatsby and Adam. When he smiled at her, she felt like she was home. It was a strange sensation, one she had never felt before.
“I was eager,” he said plainly, not trying to hide it like men her age would. “I was very eager. I mean, look at you.”
She blushed again. It was odd; she had never been a blusher before. But that was because she had felt like she was leading the relationship with other men, but she could not trick herself into believing she was leading this. His age gave him an instant leg up.
“Look at you,” she countered.
“Ha, thanks,” he said. He sipped his coffee. “So, why the sudden desire to meet up with me, one on one?”
The truth could be disastrous here, she knew. She looked into his eyes, because she’d heard that when you tell a lie it’s better to look the person in the eye. “I just wanted to see you,” she said. “There was no other reason.”
He nodded at that, as though it made total sense. To him, it did. He was a handsome, muscular, older, relatively rich man. She was sure that women threw themselves at him on a daily basis. And yet here he was, with her. She would be lying if she said it didn’t flatter her.
“What business are you in, again?” she asked.
“Advertising.” He waved a hand like it was the most boring thing in the world. “I’m a partner, now.” He shrugged. “It pays well.”
“I can see that.” His suit alone could have paid a substantial portion of Katy’s college tuition.
They finished their drinks. This could have been the end of the meeting, but Katy wanted to spend more time with him. She was shocked at herself. She didn’t want to spend more time with him for the ploy alone – although that was part of it – but also just to be with him, near him, for a while longer.
“Did you drive here?” she asked.
“I did.”
“Take me for a drive.”
“Okay, where?”
“Eagle’s Point?”
She gasped. “You know about that place?” She thought it was a young person’s refuge, a place only high school kids knew about, where nervous boys took their sweethearts after prom was out.
“I know about it,” he said, and his eyes held meaning, a meaning that caused her nipples to harden, her clit to ache, a meaning that had an effect on her a look had never before produced. “So, do you want to come?”
She may have been imagining it, but had he placed emphasis on the word come? Had his eyes widened when he said it? Either way . . .
“Yes, I want to come.”
They walked into the street and to his car – a brand-new, shining, huge, rich thing – and Katy climbed into the passenger seat.
If she had any regrets, she did not feel them right then.
Eagle’s Point overlooked the city. It was a thirty-minute drive from the center of the city, down a tortuous road that cut through thick woods, and stopped at a sheer fall. Pitiful railings had been erected sometime in the past, but they were rickety and crumbling. But Katy did not care about the railings. She cared that the gravel car park was empty. The sun was still high in the sky, much of the day left, lots of time to see what could happen.
Adam stopped the car near the railing and they sat in silence for some time looking over the city. From here, she could see her apartment building and the college campus, all small and ant-sized, so small she could pick it up. She wondered briefly where Freddy was down there. Was he at her apartment, banging on the door, begging her to answer? Or was he in some bar, drinking whiskey after whiskey? She’d left her phone at home so she didn’t even know if he had texted or rang her.
“You seem distracted,” Adam said.
His voice pushed the thoughts away. She turned to him, bit her lip. She had truly never seen a more handsome man, apart from maybe Freddy. She had definitely never seen a more handsome older man. When he looked at her, she felt very young and very small. He looked from her face to her breasts and then her legs. He took in a deep breath, as though breathing her in.
“You’re so fucking sexy,” he said, in a calm voice, a voice that was used to seeing sexy women but surprised all the same. “Do you know that?”
“I do now,” she said, her voice shaking only a little. She was calmer than she had any right to be. She’d met this man today, had coffee with him, and now she was in a place that was famous as a spot for crossing lines. She should have been nervous, but she was not. Her pussy was hot. Her nipples were hard. Her cheeks were flushed and her hands were sweaty. She wanted him, she realized, and it was about more than Katy and Freddy.
“Touch me,” she whispered, looking up at him. “Touch me, Adam.”
It was not like her at all to say something this confidently, this forwardly, this freely. But it came to her naturally. He didn’t need to be told twice. He reached across and grabbed her bare leg just above the knee, and then moved his hand down, down, toward her pussy. She bit her lip, but even so a moan escaped her. She touched his arm, felt the muscles of it, felt the bulge of his bicep, and let out another moan. Freddy was muscular too, but they were different kind of muscles. Freddy’s muscles were bodybuilder-style muscles, hours-worked. Adam’s muscles had the feel of a lumberjack, rugged and effortless. It didn’t matter that this most likely wasn’t true. It didn’t matter than Adam probably spent just as much time at the gym as Freddy. All that mattered was how she felt.
She moved his hand down, down, and came to her pussy. She let out a squeal when she clamped his hand down on her underwear, pressing her clit through the fabric. “Fuck . . .” she breathed. “Fuck . . .”
He rubbed her underwear, rubbing the fabric hard into her clit, the friction burning. She realized she was looking down at his arm and looked up into his eyes. They were hard, and locked on her breasts. Without saying a word he moved his hand under her dress, under her bra, and grabbed her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Her nipple instantly hardened, got even harder, and pleasure moved through her body from her nipples and her clit and connected somewhere in her belly.
“I want you to come for me,” he said, and his voice was hard. “I want you to come for me, again and again. Can you do that? Can you come for me?”
“Yes,” she moaned. She was already close. His hands were fire-hot. Everything was fire-hot. She had never been so hot in her life, had never felt so on fire. She clamped her eyes shut. Sunlight shone orange on the insides of her eyelids. “Yes, yes, yes.”
He rubbed her clit fast, faster and faster each moment, rubbed it so fast that her underwear burnt against her clit. Her pussy was soaking wet, her nipples searing, her head aching. She closed her eyes even tighter, slammed them shut, and pressure built inside of her. She no longer felt his hands, just the burning heat of them, like two balls of pressure on h
er body, pressing into her, crushing her.
“Yes, yes, yes!” she cried. “Yes!”
Then something brushed her neck, tickled her skin. His beard, she realized, with a gasp. His lips found her skin and he kissed her, over and over, kissed her bare flesh. He nibbled her skin, licked it. She gasped—everything stopped.
She hung for a moment in the ecstasy of it, like floating in a warm pool of water, and then she fell.
She keeled over, his hand clamped on her clit, the older man’s hand, her best friend’s dad’s hand, and she cried out. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, yes!”
The orgasm lasted for twenty seconds, but it felt like it lasted an age. She couldn’t breathe. She didn’t want to breathe. She cried out again and again, held tight onto his muscular arm, and then her head lolled back and her eyes opened lazily. She was staring at her, his lips trembling, his eyes wolf-sharp and wide, looking at her like she was prey and he was a predator. She liked the way he looked at her. It made her feel vulnerable. She felt a stab of shock in her chest when she realized she liked when this man made her feel vulnerable. It was a sensation utterly unlike any she’d experienced before.
She looked down, saw that his cock pressed hard against the fabric of his pants. Slowly, he reached down and unbuttoned his pants, unzipped then. He maneuvered and pulled them down around his knees. His cock, huge and rock-hard, sprung up. It was easily the biggest cock she had ever seen. It was so big that she swallowed nervously when she saw it.
He looked at her hungrily. Wordlessly, she bent down and took the cock in her mouth. It was so big it filled her entire mouth, choking her, but his moans of pleasure urged her on. He laid his hand on the back of her head and pushed her head down, down, until his cock hit the back of her throat and her choking noises filled the car. She should have found the choking noises offensive. She was being choked! But she didn’t, because they were intermixed with his moaning, with his groans of pleasure.
He pushed harder on her head, and she went further down on his cock. “Yes,” he moaned softly. “Fuck, yes.”
She gripped the shaft of his cock and worked the rest of it with her mouth, sucking, licking, and she felt his cock get harder, and then it jolted, and come spilled into her mouth, warm and salty. She pushed her mouth further down as the come shot into her throat, and then swallowed it.
She leaned up and wiped her mouth. For a moment they only looked at each other, and then Adam leaned in and kissed her on the mouth, his beard brushing her face. She kissed him back, not caring that she had just swallowed his come; he certainly didn’t seem to care.
Then they drove back through the city, back to her apartment building.
Katy smiled. This was the first step in her plan for vengeance, after all. And by any account it had been a roaring success.
So why did Freddy’s face appear in her mind?
She looked across at the older man, and forced a smile to her face.
“Will I see you again?” he said.
“If you’re lucky,” she replied, and climbed from the car.
Her mind was a battlefield. On one side of the field, there was Freddy, her own age, smiling, joking, a thousand memories linked with him. She knew the shape of his body almost as well as she knew her own. She had heard his laughter in her ear so many times she couldn’t count. She had woken next to him hundreds of times. She had felt his hands on her breasts, her face, her belly—her everything. She had been with him over and over. She had loved him.
And he had betrayed her.
On the other side, there was Adam, older, experienced, and not caring a damn for her when it really came down to it. He wasn’t concerned if they were close, or if they had any sort of connection. He couldn’t have cared less. No, all he cared about was her body, the heat of her, the warmth of her. That would have disgusted her in different circumstances, but Freddy had given her the push she needed to take that step. Not to mention Stacey. And, yes, Stacey too, Stacey who Katy had known since the first week of college . . .
Katy rolled over, clenched her fists around her phone – the phone which showed twenty-eight texts and forty-one calls from Freddy, but none from Stacey – and smiled to herself. If she could have seen that smile, she would have seen how evil it was, she was sure. She sure as hell felt like a cartoon villain. Why would she not look like one? But when she climbed from bed and walked into the bathroom, she had not sprouted horns. She was, if anything, still beautiful.
She splashed her face with water. “Focus,” she muttered. “You have a job to do.”
A job! Ha, ha!
She found her laptop and fired off a quick email to Adam. She waited for around ten minutes, and then he replied. It was Sunday, two days after they had met at the café and go to Eagle’s Point. Katy wanted to wait longer before contacting him, but she was discovering that she was not cut out for this loneliness business. For the longest time she and Freddy had been close; she had seen him almost every day. Being alone wasn’t something she was used to, and was definitely not something she enjoyed.
He emailed her back. Yes, he would meet. What if he took her to his place?
Her back tingled. His place, she knew, also meant Stacey’s place. Or, at least, Stacey’s old place. Stacey lived close to college, in the suburbs, but lived in the city to be close to everything. Would Stacey be there? She would not, Adam assured her. It would just be the two of them.
Then come and get me, she sent. I’m waiting.
Her body pricked with anticipation as she paced up and down the living room. She wore a summer dress again, and her legs tingled, and begged to be touched by his hands. Her entire body was alive to anticipation. She shivered, and breathed heavily, and closed her eyes tight-shut. This is about vengeance, she told herself. Nothing more.Just vengeance.
But even she wasn’t sure about that anymore.
Her apartment buzzer rang. She walked down the stairs feeling like a zombie, feeling like she was not controlling her body. She had given herself to something else, to something other than herself, to something determined for revenge. This part of her kept seeing Stacey and Freddy, their lips touching, Stacey’s lips twisting into a sickening smile. How would she smile when she discovered what Katy and her dad had done?
“Why are you smiling?” Adam said.
Katy climbed into the car. “Just happy to see you.”
“You confuse me,” he laughed, as he started the car. “We’ve only met once and you’re happy to see me.”
“Can’t I be?”
“Of course you can. I’m happy to see you, too.”
“You just said . . .”
“I guess I confuse myself, too.”
He looked openly at her legs before he pulled out of the parking place. His forest-green eyes widened as he took them in, looking her up and down. She saw his throat shift as he swallowed, saw his hands tighten on the steering wheels. She had never been so aware of the effect a woman’s body could have on a man, especially her own body. She felt powerful. It was absurd, perhaps, because he was twice the age and size of her, but it was how she felt.
They drove through the city, past towering buildings, and onto the highway and away into the suburbs, past white picket fences and pristine lawns and children giggling as they threw water balloons at each other. This place did not fit in the least with Adam. She imagined him in an airy loft with art and books and a sleek modern bar.
“My wife wanted to live here,” he explained, as though sensing her unspoken question. “I guess I just never moved.”
After all, what did it matter where he lived? She wasn’t going to move in with him. She was going to use him to exact her vengeance. She should have felt dirty, disgusting, wrong, depraved, repulsive, reprehensible; yes, she should have felt leaden with pejoratives indeed. But she did not. She only felt focused. It had only been three nights since Stacey and Freddy: three nights since the two people closest to her had gripped a knife together and slid it neatly between her shoulder blad
“Are you coming?”
She realized he was outside the car and she was within. “Yes,” she said.
A few minutes later found them on the lawn in the garden, sitting on expensive deck chairs, sipping glasses of wine. Neither of them mentioned that it was barely two o’clock and a little early for wine; neither of them cared about that.
“You’re an acrobatics star, aren’t you?” Adam said after a while.
For some reason, Katy did not want to talk about her acrobatics, her gold medals, or her marks in literature. She did not want to talk about college. She imagined a wall between this Katy – the one sitting here, with an older man, seeking vengeance – and the Katy that had been the good girl all her life. She shook her head. “Why did you agree to meet me?” she said.
He squinted at her, tilted his head, as though it was the most stupid question in the world. “You’re incredibly sexy,” he said simply. “You know that, don’t you?”
She smiled at him. She couldn’t help but smile when he said that. He returned the smile, his perfect teeth shining through his thick black beard.Damn, but she had never seen such a manly man as him before. Even Freddy, with his muscles, was a like a boy beside Adam. Adam could have lifted Freddy over his head, Katy thought. She told herself she was here for vengeance; she told herself she wanted him. Perhaps both were true.
“You’re a horny old man, aren’t you?” she laughed.
She expected him to flinch at that, but he was unperturbed. He only laughed. “I suppose I am,” he said. “But can you blame me?” He gestured to her legs, her breasts. “Who wouldn’t be horny with you in front of them?”
She didn’t want to blush. She wanted to be the woman who could receive a comment like that and incline her head graciously as though she received comments like that all the time, but she was kidding herself if she thought that was the case. The blush was fierce and red in her cheeks. She bit her lip and looked at him, and he knew that was a signal. She saw the moment he knew it in his eyes: the spark of recognition.